I am a creature of habit. I like to believe I am not but I am.

What I eat, drink, say, think and do is a well-worn path of least resistance in the overgrown meadow of my mind. My habits make me feel safe, secure and sure as I navigate away from the nettles, gorse or pitfalls towards the wild flowers, butterflies and bees.

My habits help me believe in my myth of mastery, my myth of control, my myth of me.

I am unconscious of many of my habits, they creep up on me, lurking in the undergrowth waiting for when I feel hungry, angry, lonely or tired.

They convince me they are my friends, my allies, my refuge as they set about sabotaging my life.

Some habits stop me exploring new paths, new directions, new destinations. Some habits numb me, in a well-meaning yet futile effort to protect me from feeling the bad but also feeling the good and the mediocre. Many of my habits stop me from seeing, exploring, investigating the vast world, sky and cosmos beyond my minute, mind meadow.

But I am an adventurer, an explorer, an intrepid maverick!

I love to travel the path, road, river, sea, mountain, valley and land less travelled.

To meet new people, make new friends, have new conversations.

Maybe I need to remember the old habits I never want to lose…

#habits #adventure #travel


