Memories are as varied as human experience. We feel memories, own memories, use memories and find it hard to let go of our memories.

But memory is a faculty of our minds. Data and information that is encoded, stored and recalled when needed. Memory and our memories influence our thoughts, feelings and actions. Influence what we think, feel and do.


We, humans, choose how, why and when to use our memories and which memories are important to us. We design our memories to suit our beliefs, our habits, our present and our future

Memories can be a shelter, warm, safe, secure but if we use our memories to bias how we see the here and now, our memories can be a prison, stopping us from seeing the beauty of the bigger, wider, freer world.

So, remember, memories are not what they seem, like a Wikipedia page we constantly update our memories to suit our here and now, to suit our futures

We curate our memories as we curate our lives.

#beinghuman #data #design


