The pursuit of a singular, single pointed purpose is a modern holy grail.

When you google “Find your purpose”, in 0.57 of a second google gives you 6,930,000,000 results. I am not even really sure how to write that number in words! A multi billion industry has been built on the pressure to find your own unique purpose, then follow your purpose with your own unique passion. But how many purposes, how many passions do we humans actually have throughout a lifetime?

Humans and human lives are not fixed.

Humans, human lives, human bodies, human hopes, human fears go through many stages and human purposes change, evolve, grow and mature through life.

Obviously, there is nothing innately wrong with the pursuit of purpose but the pressure to find a singular purpose, a singular passion can stress us, distract us and feed our hopes and fears. Going beyond our hopes and fears, the pursuit of equanimity, is not quite as cool a pursuit to us modern, googling humans as a passion pursuit. 

When humans are young, learning, growing, we are so open and passions, purposes come to us effortlessly. So, what if we adults rediscovered our open, child like abilities and relaxed, surrendered and called off the purpose search? What if we let our purpose evolve, change, come to us and grow with us, within us and around us?

What if slowly over time we uncovered and developed our gifts, then simply gave our gifts away?

#culture #creative #mindset


