When we relax and let the river of life carry us, life is beautiful.

The river is a simple yet powerful metaphor for life, with twists and turns, rocks and boulders, fast and slow, the river is reliable but it is not stable.

We cannot catch the river or stop the river, the river is always moving, never the same and there is no need to try to dam the flow.

But when we cling to our could have, should have and would haves. When we are too attached to our conceptions, misconceptions and preconceptions. When we fight the flow, we fight the river and life is exhausting.

So, if you are happy be happy. If you are sad, be sad, if you are lonely feel lonely. The wild, weird and wonderful ways we humans feel do not define who are we but how we are, now.

And how we are changes.

Like the river our feelings flow and who we think we are, flows too.

So, get naked, dive in, feel and trust the ebb and flow and let the river carry you to the ocean.

#beinghuman #creativeprocess #mindfulliving


