In the digital age, we are always ‘on’.
Our mobiles know us intimately. They sleep with us, go to work with us, on holiday with us, even to the loo with us, watching us as we pray, love, work, play and eat. We are becoming at worse, addicted or at best way too dependent on our tech. Research shows technology is changing our physical brain structure and function causing distraction, sleep disruption, F.O.M.O., social comparison and negatively impacting our work / life balance as like digital children, we get stressed and anxious when we are separated from our digital parents.
But we are not computer servers we are human beings.
We can make a conscious choice to be our narrative self or to be our aware self? Research shows just eight weeks of daily meditation or mindfulness practice create positive change in our telomeres, cerebellum, hippocampus and our posterior cingulate cortex as our brain activity shifts from right to our left pre frontal cortex.
Basically, we get happy.
So, to reduce the stress we all feel in the digital age, do not take things personally when they are not personal. Learn to detach from your story and trust your deeper intuition, innate intelligence and beauty.
Never forget you are a homo sapien, a wise human.
#technology #mindfulness #intelligence