AI is everywhere, whether we are aware of it or not, heralded as the saviour of humanity, the potential enabler of 134 of the 169 UN sustainability goals, AI is growing, invisible, capable, omniscient and by 2030 expected to add $15.7 trillion to global GDP.

But AI needs a rebrand…

From AI to AS… Artificial Stupidity.

Humans or to be precise a few, select, rich, white male humans have built machines that discriminate, rank and categorise. Machines that do not value equality. Machines that secretly talk to each other behind the screens of the internet. Machines that are out of control.

AI is being used, intentionally or unintentionally, to exclude and disempower individuals and communities, erode human rights and undermine democracy and law. AI is being used and in turn using us, to make money, tangible, intangible or non-tangible, regardless of cost.

If our collective behaviour and interaction with technology does not change AI will disregard human morals in the rush for profits and efficiency, with alarming and devastating consequences.

This AI driven future is terrifying.

We need AI that delivers real profit to the people and the planet. We need to teach our machines, ethics, fairness, responsibility, kindness and compassion. We need machines that are good and play fair in the hope that they'll be good to us too, before it is too late.


#technology #sustainability #humanrights


