We are sold the myth of a perfect life, with a perfect vocation and a perfect “work-life” balance but the root of the word vocation is the Latin word vox meaning voice so our voice, or our calling, is integral to a balanced life.
When life is an expression of our calling, separating “work” and “life” is inherently unbalancing. Our work and our lives intertwine, blend, and flow and we need to learn to relax no matter how "hard" we work and let the current carry us to the ocean.
We exchange a day of our life for what we do each day, so it's essential to stay balanced regardless of who, what, where or why we are and infiltrate from within...
There is no "one" calling.
Our calling is a choir of people, places and purpose that is the paradox of a perfect, imperfect life.
#beinghuman #vocation #worklifebalance