Our confused minds love to name and pair everything. friends and foe, black and white, gay and straight, good and bad but our list often has little to do with reality and ultimately leads to bias, prejudice, discrimination and segregation…hate not love.
This love of dividing the world into pairs is at the root of so much of humanity’s problems and pain.
We do need to pair, intimacy and connection are as important as food and shelter but when we obsess, automate or exaggerate we create stories that lead us further away from the truth, as our mind becomes judge and jury imprisoning us in our bias and beliefs.
If we become aware of our mind’s habit to label everything and everyone, we start to see things differently. Instead of a divided scary world, we see a whole, friendly world, a world where we can relax, let go of our prejudice, predeterminations and predilections and simply make more friends and have more fun.
#beinghuman #labels #love