Everyone has one basic responsibility, to themselves and to others…to be honest.

Being honest simply means being ourselves. Trees, plants, flowers, animals and our bodies seem to have no problem with this. Our minds however often try to fight the natural order and harmony of creation and in the words of Bob Marley.

"If ya come to do somet'ing, ya do it. But if ya come to do somet'ing an ya don't do it, ya fighting against God".

Being dishonest, trying to be something we are not is hard and exhausting. Being honest, being ourselves is actually quite simple but not always easy! Many of us need to undo years of programming and habits that have trained us out of it.

Being honest involves listening to our feelings, sensing our body and a little like in a child’s game moving towards the warmer ones and away from the colder ones.

When we practice listening to all our feelings, comfortable and uncomfortable, trusting our senses, we start to follow our path, to be who we were created to be and do what we are created to do. We learn, evolve, change and flow through life with more ease, joy and grace. We contribute to the order, beauty and harmony of the whole.

When we are honest with ourselves and with others, we get out of our own way and give our innate life force the time and space to create love both for ourselves and for everything and everyone else.

Honesty moves us beyond our could haves, should haves and would haves to what we truly desire, not what we think we desire and what we truly desire is often quite simple. By being honest with ourselves, we are honest with others, honest with life.

Honesty moves humanity from chaos to flow, war to peace, fear to love.

Life is simpler when we are honest.

#culture #media #mindfulness


