We human beings love things and are confident that those things are the way we think they are.

Be it our desks, computers, pens, paper, rooms, houses, streets, towns, cities… or ourselves…

We love to navigate our way in our work, our relationships, our lives and our world based on our confidence in our things and your things.

Our mind loves to builds stories about these things but our mind is not actually a thing.

If we try to find our mind, we can’t see our mind, smell our mind, touch our mind, hear our mind or taste our mind…

When we start to understand our mind is not a graspable thing, we see our identity is not a thing either, we are not fixed things.

We then see everything is a lot less fixed than we believe, manifesting out of a flowing, evolving energy and changing from moment to moment, day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year.

When we look back at our lives, we see in just this one life we have been many things at different times, in different places, with different people.

Like characters in our own immerse play, we act our roles as our lives unfold.

#vr #energy #theatre


