The belief and pressure to find our own unique passion are strong in our culture, especially in digital culture.
Passion is seen as the key to our own lock, opening up a world of fame, fortune, happiness and status.
A global coaching industry has grown around our personal passion projects as we create vision boards, make lists, journal, search and surround ourselves with people with similar passions all in the pursuit of our own true north.
But what if we called off the search, stopped distracting ourselves with the pursuit of passion and instead of thinking about what ‘I’ want to do, looked around and see what ‘we’ really need?
There is so much work to be done that nobody wants to do, some big stuff but mostly small stuff that no one will ever know you did, except you or your ‘God’.
There is pressure in the pursuit of passion and there is freedom in calling off the search and the belief that you and your life are going to be lesser without finding your perfect passion.
To change our idea of what a passion project really is we need to break our addiction to me, my and I, our addiction to dopamine, our addiction to distractions…
When we replace these addictions with an addiction to "how can I help?", right here, right now the world is a better place and we are happier.
The amazing life we are given, the people, the places and the projects call us, moment to moment, we just need to listen.
Then day by day, we build a life that is free of anxiety, worry, depression and loneliness.
A life that matters.
#beinghuman #coaching #digital