Life is urgent, challenging and chaotic. We are conditioned to extremes, trained to choose, to take sides as we navigate the chaos via our likes and dislikes.
To stay sane, clear, loving and open we actually need to develop equanimity.
Equanimity is underrated and often misunderstood. For some, like a teenager's “whatever", it implies indifference and coolness. For some passivity, with the implicit dangers of being abused, lost or walked over. For others, it means constraint or suppression of emotions and a path to a mediocre, compromised life.
But equanimity means being with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, anger and fear with an open heart, a heart that is whole, intact, balanced and wise.
Equanimity stops us from feeling lost, giving our emotions the time and space to shift from being our enemies to becoming our allies.
Equanimity is fully present, spacious, still, stable, radiant and calm. A voice of wisdom, open to everything and able to hold everything.
Equanimity doesn’t mean we have no feelings, it’s not a state of blankness but space to recognize and relate to any feeling, any occurrence, any arising, intense or not and still be free.
Free from the emotional extremes of overwhelm, denial, reactivity and self-inflicted tyranny we can expand our awareness and choose how we respond to the wonder and chaos of life.
Equanimity sets us free.
#beinghuman #peace #freedom