We all have a mountain of treasure hidden in our mountain range of doubt, criticism and judgment.
The way to find the treasure is to learn the practice of appreciation and make it part of our life and our daily routine and no matter how bad it seems, we can always find something to appreciate.
We are human beings, we are alive and breathing.
We have a mind, we have choices and can choose how to act, think and feel.
We have a body and senses, we can see, hear, taste, smell or sense the most incredible, never-ending feast of sensory, kinaesthetic experiences.
We are free to think, believe and be whatever and however, we want.
We decide where and how to focus our attention.
We have WIFI, phones, laptops and access to more knowledge than at any time in human history. When all can keep learning, growing and connecting.
When we remember to love ourselves every day, we recognise and appreciate our innate goodness. We see that love, compassion, wisdom and awareness are our fundamental nature.
We then appreciate our precious, passionate and phenomenal human life.
#beinghuman #creativity #learning